Chanterelle Stir-Fry - Hoodie-Harvested

There are moments in life when nature gifts you with unexpected treasures, turning an ordinary walk in the forest into a culinary adventure. This is the tale of one such day when the golden allure of wild chanterelles compelled us to improvise, using a hoodie-hat as a makeshift basket. It was an opportunity we simply couldn't pass up!

Once back home, those forest-fresh chanterelles were destined for our dinner table, finding their place in a delightful stir-fry with succulent chicken fillets, savory soy, and served alongside fluffy rice.

Recipe: Chanterelles & Chicken Stir-Fry


  • Freshly foraged chanterelles

  • Chicken fillets

  • Grated ginger

  • Minced garlic

  • Strips of carrot

  • Broccoli florets

  • Onion, chopped

  • Soy sauce

  • Sesame oil (optional)

  • Sugar

  • Water

  • Cooking oil


  1. Preparation: Begin by cleaning the chanterelles and cutting the chicken fillets into bite-sized pieces.

  2. Cooking: In a heated pan with a bit of oil, fry the chicken and chanterelles until they are golden brown and cooked through.

  3. Flavoring: Add in the grated ginger and garlic, allowing them to infuse their flavors into the mix.

  4. Vegetables: Incorporate the strips of carrot, broccoli florets, and chopped onion. Stir-fry until the vegetables are tender yet crisp.

  5. Seasoning: Finish off with a generous splash of soy sauce, a dash of sesame oil (if using), and adjust the sweetness with some sugar. Add water to get your preferred sauce consistency.

  6. Serving: Once everything is well combined and cooked to perfection, serve the stir-fry over a bed of freshly cooked rice.

This simple yet flavorful dish is a beautiful way to bring the forest's bounty directly to your dinner plate. Each bite is a reminder of our little adventure, the golden chanterelles lending their unique flavor and texture to the meal, making it a dining experience to remember!


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