A Touch of the Woods: Using Hazel Sticks for Your Curtains

At our cottage, we adore integrating pieces of nature within our space, creating a gentle balance between the fresh, white simplicity of our interior and the rugged charm of the wild outdoors. One of the delightful ways we accomplish this is by using hazel sticks as curtain rods for our airy, white tulle drapes. In this post, we'll walk you through the process of harvesting and preparing the hazel sticks and hanging the drapes, offering a little slice of woodland enchantment to your own home.

Step 1: Hazel Stick Selection

Hazel shoots are perfect for this task. Their tendency to stretch tall and straight towards the sky often results in rods that are of just the right diameter and length. Start by scouring your local woodland (or hazel bush if you're fortunate enough to have one) for hazel sticks that are long, straight, and thin enough to function as curtain rods. Look for ones that are sturdy yet lightweight.

Step 2: Bark Removal (Optional)

Fresh hazel bark can easily be peeled away to reveal a clean, white wood beneath. This step is purely optional and depends on the aesthetic you wish to achieve. If you favor a more rustic look, feel free to leave the bark intact. If you prefer a more uniform, minimalist style, simply peel away the bark using a small knife, working carefully to avoid damaging the wood underneath.

Step 3: Tulle Drapes Preparation

The light, wafty quality of tulle fabric makes it perfect for creating a dreamy and romantic ambiance in any room. If your tulle curtains are longer than necessary, don't rush to trim them. Instead, consider tying a decorative knot at the end or folding the fabric over the rod once or twice, depending on the length. This not only solves the length issue but also adds an interesting visual detail to the curtains.

Step 4: Hanging the Drapes

Thread the hazel stick through the top hem of your tulle curtain. Depending on your window design and preference, you can either hang the stick directly onto pre-existing hardware, or you might need to install curtain brackets to hold your new hazel curtain rod. Once your rod is secure, adjust the curtain to evenly distribute the fabric along the rod, fluffing and shaping it until you achieve your desired effect.

These hazel curtain rods serve as beautiful, functional pieces of natural art within our home. The contrast between the stark white of the tulle and the earthiness of the hazel sticks creates a captivating fusion of minimalist and rustic aesthetics, especially in our upstairs bedrooms. They are a testament to the charm that a little touch of nature can bring to an otherwise simple space. Whether you lean towards modern minimalism or rustic charm, this might just be the perfect addition to your interior.

More ways to use Hazel at home:


The Flora Danica White Brambles Collection


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