Pulleys for the playground

In the ever-evolving canvas of our backyard woodland playground, a new chapter has begun to unfurl. This time, it's not just swings and slides that grace our children's playground, but the intricate dance of pulleys and hooks—tools of learning and wonder.

It's an addition that's as educational as it is entertaining. We've rigged up a system that allows our little ones to hoist buckets that are twice their weight, and even each other, in a symphony of laughter and discovery.

This playful setup is more than just fun—it's a practical lesson in physics. The pulleys teach them about the magic of mechanical advantage and the distribution of weight. They learn firsthand how a simple machine can multiply their strength, an experience that turns play into an enlightening process.

Sourcing these pulleys became an adventure in itself. We found our sturdy pulleys in the boating section of the local hardware store—a place where items are fashioned to withstand the wrath of the sea and the test of time. Their affordability was the cherry on top, making this project a delightful balance of frugality and durability.

As we watch our children lift, haul, and experiment with their newfound tools, - even hoisting eachother - we realize that we've given them more than just a playground fixture. We've given them a permanent, fascinating toy that challenges their minds and bodies.

More about our homemade playground:


Snapshots from a cozy hygge Scandinavian Fall


A whittled wooden knife for our Youngest Chef